Tinkuy. Boletín de investigación y debate is an academic journal committed to the diffusion of knowledge about the Latin American world. With a periodicity of twelve months, it publishes scientific articles written in Spanish, French or English from all relevant disciplines reflecting on the histories, languages and cultures of the Latin American territory and its inhabitants.

All contributions received will be submitted to an evaluation process that seeks to ensure the quality of the published texts.

1. First review

The editorial committee reviews the contributions received to ensure that they comply with the basic requirements stipulated in the Style sheet for authors. At this stage, the committee may reject the work and return it to the author without peer review.

2. Peer review

If the contributions meet the minimum requirements, they will be submitted to a double-blind peer review. If necessary, a third reviewer will be assigned to resolve any discrepancies.

3. Results of the review

All authors who have submitted a contribution that has passed the first review will receive a report with the result of the evaluation, as well as the critical comments of the peer reviewers.

Authors will receive one of five possible outcomes:

  1. Contribution accepted without changes or with minimal adjustments: the manuscript does not need or needs modifications, generally stylistic, to be published.
  2. Contribution accepted with minor changes: the manuscript must be modified according to the comments of the peer reviewers.
  3. Contribution accepted if the contributor makes general changes to the text: the manuscript needs to be carefully reviewed and adjusted according to the evaluators’ comments, as well as justification, if the contributor decides to reject the recommendations made.
  4. Contribution acceptable if major changes are made: the manuscript is returned to the author and he/she is recommended to readjust his/her contribution without any commitment to publish. If the author decides to resubmit the text, it will be submitted to a new evaluation process.
  5. Unacceptable contribution: the manuscript will not be published.

Tinkuy. Boletín de investigación y debate publishes both original and unpublished articles in the open-access modality. All our articles are available for free consultation from the journal’s first issue.

We are committed to the diffusion of open and widely available knowledge, there is no charge for the submission or processing of articles.

By submitting their articles, authors consent to the journal Tinkuy. Boletín de investigación y debate the right to publish their work under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). With this license, third parties are allowed to distribute, mix, adjust and build upon their work, even for commercial purposes, as long as the authorship of the original creation is acknowledged.

Authors retain copyrights on the article.

If the authors wish to republish a previously published article, they must commit themselves to consign the date of original publication in Tinkuy, as well as to notify the journal of the republishing.

Would you like collaborate?

Tinkuy, boletín de investigación y debate is receiving collaboration for the 2023 number.